Frozen At The Mouth…

When God created Adam and breathed life into his body, He placed him the Garden of Eden and charged him with two tasks. The first task was to keep the Garden of Eden under the rule of God’s Kingdom and the second task was to go out into all the world and to bring that […]

Coming Out From A Self Imposed Exile…

Over the past few months there have been two winters in my life. The first winter has been the annual winter that brings frosts, winds, rain and sometimes even the threat of snow. The second winter has been very much more personal, and in it there have been some tough moments but it has also […]

Observations From An Awakened Heart…

I have been giving quite a lot of thought to how we observe life when we begin to live from our awakened heart. You see there is a lot that we miss when we live far from our hearts. It is not that we just find it difficult to hear Daddy’s voice, but we also […]

2013: Shedding And Discovering…

The most important discovery that I have ever made about life is that it is meant to be lived. This might sound a little obvious but sometimes the most obvious discoveries, the simplest truths are the most profound. As I sit here writing on the very last day of 2013, I am more than a […]

The Exodus: A Very Unhurried Journey

Recently, I have been reading some of the stories in Exodus. One thing that has utterly amazed me is that it appears from Exodus 13 that even God only expected the journey to take a short time. If the Israelites had traversed the desert by the most direct route to Canaan it would have taken […]

Books That Are Shaping My Life…

“Knowing what is right is like deep water in the heart;a wise person draws from the well within.” Proverbs Chapter 20, Verse 5 (The Message) As I sat with my early morning coffee today, I started to contemplate my own sacred journey. I thanked God for my very good friends, many of whom have played […]

Playing It From The Heart…*

I am discovering that more and more it is our hearts that are deeply connected to God. It is in our hearts that we discover the true image of God, it is there that we discover the abundant life that Jesus promised to us and it is there that we are able to live fully […]

God Is In Everything & Everything Is Spiritual

There is no equivalent word for ‘spiritual’ in the Hebrew language. This means that in the original Hebrew scriptures (Torah) the word ‘spiritual’ was never ever used. The reason for this is because there really is no self-contained compartment in life, known as ‘the spiritual life.’ Everything we see, touch, feel & taste is spiritual. […]